What did Share-Net Burundi achieve in 2021?
2021 has been a year of great work for the secretariat and
members of SN-BU. Towards the end of 2020, members of the
national community of practice (CoP) on adolescent and youth
sexual and reproductive health met to prepare for the 2021 cocreation conference.
Despite the challenge of hosting a virtual CoCreation conference for the first time, there were a high number
of participants.
After the conference and dissemination activities, the secretariat
and members continued to work on generating and exchanging
SRHR experiences and practices through different CoPs created
since 2020 in Burundi.
In addition, SN-BU is a reliable partner of the Dutch Embassy in
Burundi as over the next two years, the Hub will contribute to its
new flagship “Solutions Program” through Monitoring, Evaluation
and Partners Learning. The program has six components, and
SN-BU will be leading the component on Monitoring, Evaluation,
Accountability and Learning (MEAL).
Click here, to read the document.