Session submissions are now open for our Concurrent Sessions, Marketplace, & Poster Presentations. All session submissions are due November 19, 2020 at 11:59pm ET and should fall under one of the following themes.
  • Technical: Abstracts for this session will focus on the technical aspects of child and adolescent health and wellbeing including climate change, nutrition, mental health, immunization, child survival, SRHR, and various other topics.
  • Digital Innovations: This theme includes abstracts highlighting digital innovation tools to improve the health and well-being of children and adolescents, as well as to provide services, this includes online and offline platforms, social media, apps, SMS, and other digital innovations.
  • Financing & Investment: This theme encompasses the diverse array of funding models and strategies for the sustainable development of child and adolescent health projects. From grassroots crowdfunding to formal impact investment funds, there are countless opportunities to re-envision financing for child and adolescent health and well-being. Abstracts for this session can range from innovative funding approaches to best practices, as well as new financing priorities that have global to country reach.
  • Partnership & Engagement: This theme focuses on cross-sectoral partnerships and engagement for child and adolescent health research, advocacy, implementation, and financing in the next decade. This theme will focus on how we can break down silos to come together for improved child and adolescent health outcomes and how we can elevate our advocacy for measurable change.
  • Humanitarian Development Nexus / Fragility & Conflict: Abstracts for this session will focus on child and adolescent health and well-being in humanitarian, fragile and conflict settings and may focus on promising approaches, research, communications and advocacy campaigns, project results, innovation, best practices, Skills Development, policy changes, innovative ideas, or challenges/proposed solutions.
  • COVID-19: Children and adolescents have not escaped the pandemic unscathed, the pandemic has disrupted the provision of many health services and affected their well-being. In this theme, we will include abstracts that address the intersection of COVID-19 and children and adolescents, including policies, programs, research, evidence, etc.
*Cross-cutting themes: We encourage the inclusion of cross-cutting themes that can be incorporated not only in the presentations but also through speakers. These may include disability inclusion, gender, equity, racial equity and justice, social justice, human rights, socio-economic determinants of health, SDGs and others.
For more details about the event and others, follow the link


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