Girls in Uganda become SDG “ambassadors,” fight teen pregnancy with poetry

KAMPALA, Uganda – Talking about sexual and reproductive health is not easy, especially in the conservative corners of Uganda. But the girls of Buddo Secondary School found a powerful way to address the issue: poetry.

“Plan your family to fend off poverty / To enhance your savings / To feed with quality / To take your children / To schools of quality,” they recited at the launch of a youth festival that drew thousands of students from across the country.

The Music, Dance and Drama Festival is an annual arts competition, where students showcase traditional dances, songs, poetry and speeches at events held all over Uganda. This year’s festival focused on empowering youth to help Uganda achieve its development goals. UNFPA, which supported the festival, introduced teenage pregnancy and child marriage as additional themes to cover through the arts.

Helping girls finish school, find decent work and fulfil their potential are key ways to help whole communities and countries rise out of poverty.

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