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Knowledge platform for sexual and reproductive health and rights

Share-Net Burundi is a knowledge platform for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). With a focus on youth, its mission is to improve Burundian SRHR through open communication, knowledge, research facilitation, and advocacy geared towards healthy policy-making.

Join Share-Net Burundi

Become a member of the Share-Net Burundi knowledge platform to work with government and non-profit leaders in sexual and reproductive health and rights. You gain the opportunity to submit articles, news items, and events. You can also post in the forums and you gain access to a global network filled with collaboration opportunities. You also contribute to an up-to-date platform on current programs, news, and events in Burundi that is accessible to everyone.

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Share-Net Burundi, en collaboration avec l’Association Burundaise des Étudiants en Médecine (ABEM), a réalisé une vaste cartographie documentaire pour collecter et analyser …

Ce rapport présente une vue d’ensemble des organisations membres de la Communauté de Pratique sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents …

Introduction   Le VIH/SIDA demeure un enjeu majeur de santé publique au Burundi. Selon les données les plus récentes de l’ONUSIDA, le …

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